Friday, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
I don't know
What am I in ten years?
What should I do as a career?
What is my life by then?
Tell me.
As I have no idea.
In my mind, it doesn’t matter what I do what is my career.
As long as, I m successful.
But it seems that, it not as easy as I think.
I have to make a choice.
Which I really have no idea.
I don’t know.
What am I good at?
I don’t know.
What am I interested in?
I don’t know.
What I would like to do?
I don’t know.
Yea. I don’t know.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Boredom triggers this
Someone once told me, there is a difference between
‘I miss you’ and ‘miss you’
‘I love you’ and love you’
Someone once told me, the relationship of 2 people above friend and below couple is most interesting and excited.
Someone once told me, being in a relationship diverge your concentration.
Someone once told me, a zealous kiss on the forehead shoo away nightmares.
Random post, because I am bored.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For a lot of things, we think but never really speak out.
Words are easy to say; promises are easy to make.
But somehow, taking actions are the tough part.
We have doubts.
We doubt ourselves, we doubt our decisions,
We doubt; we hold back.
We doubt; we stay put.
When we were still a kid, everything is possible.
You put blanket over your back, and then you become a superman.
You climb up a tree, not knowing that you might fall, you simply made it.
You just had an idea ad made it happened, because you believe.
As you grow up, things seem to be a little different.
You doubt, you don’t take action.
It is never too late, you just need to have an idea and make it happen.
You can, if you believe.
Live without regrets, just do it! Make it happen.
Take note when your heart speaks.
We just have to believe.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I dare not

I dare not say I will make you’ll proud one day.
But surely l will try.
I dare not fought you or go against you.
But surely I will not follow blindly.
Once fail does not meant forever,
Perhaps is a detour; a turn-over.
Give me a chance. Allow me.
To show; to prove.
I dare not promised you I will be something someday.
But surely I will try.
Somehow; somewhat.
One way or another.
I will try.
I am sorry.
I can't find the crack

I’ve come to my senses.
You said I’ve gone mad.
Have you ever think of my situation?
If I had set myself and push myself to do it,
Why don’t you allow me trying?
I’ve told you more than a million times.
It strikes my heart, every single time you said that to me.
I can’t find that crack.
I don’t understand.
I don’t know how.
I don’t know why.
Tell me what you want. Tell me what I want.
Is my dream, is something that follows me for a long time. In fact, till my death.
I could go on no more.
Not without knowing which is my way out.
Show me. Tell me.
I’ve been turning around the same bush for a long time.
I can’t find that crack.
Or maybe, I can’t find yours.