She is cikgu Hasliza, my dorm's warden.. She is very pretty, she has thick eye browns, thick and sexy lips, very deep dimple and very fair skin colour.. She seldom mix around with the crowds, she enjoy sitting alone but she is close to out TKJ, cikgu adek.. She is very a straight jurulatih, she always asked me to keep the dorm as clean as possible.. She says if our dorm gets complain, she will look for me,. I am asked to her room twice because the muslims in my dorm did not go for their prayers.. She is really a straight teacher.. However, she is very polite and caring.. Hmm, her body is a little weak as she is pregnant for 3months, her husband is a tentera laut in Perak.. She always not feeling so well and rest in her room.. She is one of the netball team coach.. Her smile is sweet as she has deep dimple, she is a little special.. She seldom laugh, she only smile.. I tired very hard trying to make her laugh with very funny jokes, but i only succeeded once.. She somehow makes me feel warm and belong.. She is very very 'mesra'.. I always look at her whenever she is around because i wanted to see her dimple, LOL.. She looks cute when she do TTS, she corrects me when i do wrongly., is funny the way she show me.. Wishing her all the best and healthy always, best wishes to her coming baby..